+7 (391)

Rassvet-Les LLC

30 let Pobedy str., 33, Rassvet vill., Birilusskiy area, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia, 662136

Phone: +7 (39150) 2-13-37

E-mail: rassvet-les@mail.ru

The company "Rassvet-Les" is located in Birilyussky area, the Krasnoyarsk Region. The company is engaged in logging and sawmilling, produces structures made of wood, joinery, furniture and others. The company is a fast growing and stable company that has been actively developing its export potential.

Keywords: Logging and sawmilling, produces structures made of wood, joinery, furniture

Contact information

Biriukov Leonid
General Director
+7 (39150) 2-13-37
E-mail: rassvet-les@mail.ru


Age of the companygreater than 10 years
Whole sale (m USD)less than 2
Business typeManufacturer